Thursday, February 10, 2011

New Friends & Old Friends.

Make new friends , but keep the old ;
Those are silver , these are gold.
New-made friendships , like new wine ,
Age will mellow and refine.

Friendships that have stood the test -
Time and change - are surely best ;
Brow may wrinkle , hair grow gray,
Friendship never knows decay.

For 'mid old friends , tried and true ,
Once more we our youth renew.
But old friends , alas ! may die ,
New friends must their place supply.

Cherish friendship in your breast -
New is good , but old is best ;
Make new friends , but keep the old ;
Those are silver , these are gold.

This short friendship poem was written by Joseph Parry , (1841-1903).
His words in this inspirational poem regarding friendships still hold true today.
Throughout our life we are constantly meeting new people.
Some remain acquaintances , some become friends.
But , with our old friends we sometimes lose touch with them , due to a move , change of job , marriage , children , the list goes on and on.
Mr. Parry's point on silver and gold as they refer to friendships are well written.
No matter how many people we meet , old friends are still those who know you better.
Some , might be those who understands you most , just like no other.
Our old friends are like gold. And our new friends are silver.
Remember , to treat our old friends like gold although people come and go in our lives.

It takes a long time to grow an old friend.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

2011 !


2010 gave me so much of everything , and i am thankful for love , my family , my camera.
and in 2011 , a brand new year , i plan to spend it with much more vigor and love and happiness - real happiness , the one straight from the center of my soul , streaming out to those around me , who love me and are loved by me.
i will , too , keep my camera around my neck to capture the moments i want to keep forever , never fading from mind or memory. this new , budding passion of mine is starting to live in me and i am living for it.

i generally don't believe in new year resolutions , but for this year , my resolution is to do something that is inevitable in everyone's growing up ; to grow into the person i will and want to be. i don't know the how's yet but i soon will. (:

and again , happy happy new year 2011! may our awesomeness be (always) overwhelming and may the happiness in our hearts be long-lasting. and of course , i thank the King of the Universe for enabling all of us to be here until this day. (:

"May your coming year be filled with magic and dreams and good madness. I hope you read some fine books and kiss someone who thinks you’re wonderful , and don’t forget to make some art — write or draw or build or sing or live as only you can. And I hope , somewhere in the next year, you surprise yourself.
-Neil Gaiman